Since 1987 the Macular Society has invested around £10 million in over 100 research projects. Each year we invite applications for research grants, PhD studentships and seedcorn grants which are assessed by our Research Committee.

Research grants

Research grants are for projects of up to three years duration and up to £250,000, which covers everything from laboratory chemicals to salaries.

PhD studentships

A PhD studentship funds a student to undertake a three year research project. The student submits a thesis for qualification of the degree, which is the highest level of academic degree attainable.

Seedcorn projects

A seedcorn grant is funding of up to £25,000 to generate preliminary data to advance innovative and novel ideas.

Alarm clock on desk with sunlight shining down

Shining new light on the body clock and retinopathy

Disruptions to our body clock can have an impact on our health, including links with eye damage for people living with diabetes. Dr Eleni Beli takes a closer look at these links, to understand more about how eye damage can develop and progress. Her research could uncover an innovative new approach to help people with diabetes avoid sight loss.

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Diabetes patient with doctor

A marvellous new approach to tackle retinopathy

High blood sugar levels can lead to damage to our eyes, known as retinopathy. Professor Karl Matter's research could provide valuable new insights to develop innovative approaches to protect blood vessels and prevent sight loss for people with diabetes.

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Elderly woman leaning into eye examination machine.

An implantable eye lens for macular disease

Magnifying intraocular lenses can be given to patients with macular disease. This will be the first trial to see if they help.

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A blood test

Creating a blood test to detect early AMD

Research is looking into a protein found in high levels in retinal cells of age-related macular disease patients. This protein could be used for treatment or diagnosis.

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Dr Luminita Paraoan in the laboratory doing a demonstration

How do ageing mitochondria work and communicate differently?

Looking at how mitochondria age to better understand the damage and changes that can occur with AMD, and how the damage could be stopped or reversed.

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DNA strands

Turning off faulty genes to treat macular dystrophy

New research using antisense oligonucleotide gene therapy to treat Doyne honeycomb dystrophy, a dominant genetic macular disease.

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