Teaching vision impaired students
The below resources have been created to support QTVIs and teaching assistants who are teaching visually impaired students in educational settings.
Students with macular dystrophies require additional support with lighting, technology, and reading. The Macular Society Helpline can offer further guidance in these areas if needed.
Additionally, the Macular Society Working Age and Young People’s Service can offer advice and information to teachers, parents and young people – just email colin.daniels@macularsociety.org.
- General teaching tips
- Tips for teaching art
- Tips for teaching design technology
- Tips for teaching geography
- Tips for teaching history
- Tips for teaching ICT
- Tips for teaching literacy
- Tips for teaching mathematics
- Tips for teaching music
- Tips for teaching sport
- Tips for teaching science
- Tips for school trips
Macular Society Helpline
Free information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends, to help people retain their independence.
Working age and young people service
The Macular Society supports everyone impacted by macular disease, including those with less common types of macular disease who may be younger or still working.