Telephone befriending
Please be advised that due to a high number of referrals we currently have a waiting list for Befriending.
For information about other support available, please contact our Helpline at 0300 30 30 111.
It is not unusual for some people with macular disease to feel isolated, especially if it’s difficult to get out and about. However, there is no need to feel alone - our telephone befrienders can provide a regular friendly phone call, which may help to rebuild confidence and independence.
Our telephone befriending service may be especially helpful if you cannot get to one of our support group meetings, but would like to talk to someone who has experience of macular disease.
"What I find most beneficial about befriending is the friendship and reliability, the positivity and the encouragement. It's an extremely well-managed service."
Rita, Befriending service user
We match you with someone who will call you regularly for a friendly chat. You may be interested to swap stories about your experience of living with sight-loss, but equally you may want to talk about anything but! The conversation is guided by you.
We aim to find you a befriender who shares your interests or experiences, and who understands exactly what it’s like to live with a macular condition.
Support for you
We provide free information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends, to help people keep their independence.
Treatment buddies
We can put you in touch with someone who’s had treatment for macular disease, to answer your questions and put your mind at rest.
Skills for seeing
Teaching you skills that could help you continue reading, enjoying TV, staying independent and doing the things you love, with macular disease.
Local support groups
Our support groups are for people of working age and older, and provide information, support and friendship to people with macular disease and sight loss. Find your local support group today.

Free confidential advice and support
Call our helpline on 0300 3030 111
Lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
About the Macular Society Helpline