Where research is now
Thanks to teams of researchers in the UK and worldwide who are dedicated to Beating Macular Disease, research is moving rapidly.
Why is research so important?
We have some treatment options, such as anti-VEGF injections for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). But unfortunately, for many macular conditions, there are no treatments.
We hope that new techniques such as gene and stem cell therapy will soon lead to treatments to save the sight of everyone with macular disease.
Find out what research is going on right now, how it works, and how it can help those living with macular disease.
Current treatments for macular disease
There are some treatments available for macular disease. However, much more research is needed so that no one has to lose their sight to macular disease.
Gene therapy
Researchers are looking into gene therapy for many types of macular disease. It could play a key role in genetic macular disease and AMD treatments.
Stem cell therapy
Stem cell therapy may offer a promising new treatment for patients with macular disease: using cells to replace damaged or dead cells to restore vision.
Inflammation, ageing and AMD
Inflammation and the ageing of cells in the eye play a role in the degeneration associated with AMD. There are things you can do to reduce their effects.
Nutrition and lifestyle
Nutrition and lifestyle play an important role in risk and progression of AMD. Smoking, antioxidants and AREDS supplements may all play a role.

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