Research participant database
There are many clinical trials and research studies looking at new treatments and ultimately trying to find a cure for macular disease. We are often approached by researchers to help find people willing to take part. Involvement can range from providing feedback on new developments, to undergoing treatment as part of a clinical trial.
Our research participant database is for anyone based in the UK with macular disease, as well as healthy friends, family or volunteers. You can sign up whether or not you are a member of the Macular Society by completing the form below.
We collect basic information about you and your condition to help us check your suitability for trials, and then write to you about research you may be eligible to participate in. If you decide you would like to know more or would like to volunteer to take part, you then contact the researchers direct. We keep all the information you provide confidential and secure.
If you are a researcher and would like to find out more about the database, please contact research@macularsociety.org
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