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Yes, I want to Beat Macular Disease for every person diagnosed

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Bridgeen Callan research group

£5 will fund more groundbreaking research projects


Marcia smiling at camera

£10 will give hope for a cure to people like Marcia


Research image of three technicians in a laboratory

£20 will bring scientists closer to a breakthrough


Kelly Facing Camera Serious

£5 a month will help beat the fear and isolation felt by someone struggling with macular disease.


Kelly and the three boys playing at the table

£10 a month will fund more research to find treatments to stop children losing their sight to inherited macular disease.


Three Researchers Lab Man in Green Coat

£15 a month will bring researchers closer to a cure for Macular disease.


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Minimum donation amount of £2 Why is this?

Thank you for wanting to donate to us today. We can only accept donations of £2 and over due to processing fees.

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