Telephone counselling

A macular disease diagnosis can be extremely upsetting.

Finding out that you may lose much of your central vision, and adapting to changes in your vision, can be very difficult to comprehend. After diagnosis many people struggle to cope with their emotions and can feel shocked, afraid or isolated.

It can help to speak to a professional counsellor, who is trained to listen and talk about your feelings and help you find ways of dealing with them.

On this page:

Our counselling team is here for you

We have a team of qualified counsellors who have extensive experience either personally or professionally within the field of sight loss. This is a free, UK telephone service for anyone who has been diagnosed with macular disease or their family members.

We are bound by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling, and fully compliant with the Data Protection Act.

Our confidential counselling service has been running for 20 years. We pride ourselves on providing this excellent service, which we operate with a minimal waiting list.

Video: Carol's story - Telephone counselling

How do I refer myself or somebody else?

If you would like to be contacted about our counselling service, or would like to refer someone you know to our service (with their permission), please fill in our online counselling referral form or call our Helpline on 0300 3030 111.

What happens next?

A member of the counselling team will aim to contact you within ten working days to offer you a telephone assessment.

How might you help me?

You may feel better after your initial telephone assessment. You may have received all the information you need, and feel that no further action is necessary.

On the other hand you may benefit from regular counselling sessions with one of our counsellors. They will help lift your mood, reduce anxiety and recommend methods of coping with your diagnosis.

Nick Support User

“When I was diagnosed, I felt very angry. The psychological impact is huge. I am a cancer survivor – I’ve beaten that. And then this came along. Counselling was really important for me; the Macular Society’s counselling service is superb – they listen and they can empathise. I needed that.”


Sometimes formal counselling isn’t required and our telephone befriending service could be more suitable. You may be managing well, but you could benefit from a regular friendly chat with one of our trained befrienders.

Most importantly we want to help you by supporting you directly with counselling, or by presenting alternative options such as our befriending service.

Group support

Our trained counsellors offer telephone support groups to people living with Charles Bonnet Syndrome. We also have a separate group for those who are adapting to living with low vision. These groups can be accessed by calling our Helpline on 0300 3030 111.

The groups give individuals a chance to share coping tips and strategies, and to talk to others who may be in a similar situation. For those who have attended our groups, the feedback is fantastic, with many reporting that they feel less alone.

Free service

We do not charge for our counselling service or telephone calls. This service is completely free to anyone who needs it.

If however you wish to make a donation, please call 01264 350 551 or you can donate online.

Here to help

Find out more about our counselling service today

Call our Helpline on 0300 3030 111.

The Macular Society is extremely grateful to The Hearn Foundation for a generous donation of £100,000 towards our counselling services, made in memory of Marilyn Lee who sadly passed away on 31 January 2025.

Befrienders talking to each other on phone

Telephone befriending

If you feel isolated, our telephone befrienders can provide a regular friendly phone call. You can talk about living with macular disease, or not - the conversation is guided by you.

Friendly support

Other support

We provide free information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends, to help people keep their independence.

Icon representing Helpline

Free confidential advice and support

Call our helpline on 0300 3030 111

Lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

About the Macular Society Helpline