Join our community

Macular Society member laughing

Macular Society Membership is free for the first six months*, and then just £22 per year. At the end of your free trial, we’ll be in touch to ask if you’d like to continue your membership. Once you’re a full member, you’ll receive your membership guide and a gift to thank you for joining. We’re looking forward to welcoming you!

Required fields are indicated by *

How would you like to receive your quarterly membership magazine, Sideview? *

We send mail marked with 'Articles for the Blind' on the envelope. This is a Royal Mail postal scheme which allows certain items to be sent to blind and visually impaired people for free.

We would love to stay in touch

You're helping to Beat Macular Disease, thank you. We may contact you by post and phone about how you can get involved with fundraising, events, products we sell and how we campaign, using the details you've provided.

Please let us know if you're also happy for us to contact you by email and text.

If you've already told us how you want to hear from us, you don't need to do anything else. You can change what you receive from us at any time on 01264 350 551 or
You can also read our privacy policy, which covers the ways that we gather, store, keep and use information about you, at


*Our six month free trial is only available to new members who are UK residents. If you have been a member before, or if you live outside the UK, you can still sign up today for £22 by calling us on 01264 350 551.

Following the free trial period, your membership will end unless you make a payment of £22. This is payable annually and once you have become a paying member, your membership will continue unless no payment is received. You can change your mind and cancel your membership anytime. If for any reason you wish to cancel your membership, please call us on 01264 350 551 or email Full terms and conditions of membership are available online or on request.