Complaints procedure
The Macular Society tries to deliver the best experience and communicate with all service users, members and supporters in a way that is welcomed by everyone. We understand, however, that sometimes we don’t get this right or meet the high standards you expect from us.
We view your communication and feedback with us as an opportunity to learn, and genuinely want to hear from you. We take complaints very seriously and are grateful for the opportunity to respond and improve.
Get in touch
If you want to make a complaint, you can email
Or write to:
Macular Society
PO Box 1870
SP10 2BN
When you write to us, please include your full name, address and a contact telephone number in your email or letter, so that we can easily get in touch with you.
Alternatively you can telephone us on 01264 350 551. We are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Out of hours you can leave a message on our answerphone.
If we can’t resolve your complaint or concern when you call us, we will ask you to put it in writing.
What we will do with your complaint
- We will acknowledge receipt in writing of your complaint within five working days. We will tell you which department is dealing with the matter and confirm when you can expect a response.
- Your complaint will be assessed by the head of the department to which it has been allocated, who will conduct an investigation. A copy of all communications between you and the Society relevant to your complaint will be recorded on our database.
- You will be advised of the outcome of the investigation within 30 days of receipt of your complaint.
- If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may refer your complaint to the Chief Executive within 30 days of receiving the response of the head of department.
- The Chief Executive will then investigate your complaint and try to resolve all issues satisfactorily for all parties involved within 30 days.
- If your complaint against the Society is upheld, we will apologise and also explain what has been done to ensure that repetition does not occur. We will always seek to improve our policies, procedures, or training systems to minimise the chance of a similar complaint.
- In addition the Society may initiate internal disciplinary procedures for the individual or individuals whose action or inaction caused the complaint to be raised in the first place.
Please be aware that, while we will listen and respond to your complaint, we may not be able to make the changes you request. If we cannot, we will explain why.
The Society will deal with your complaint honestly and openly and we will do everything we can to ensure that we reach a satisfactory resolution for you and the Society.
If you believe that the Chief Executive, or a member of Council, is responsible for the issue at stake, even through inaction, your complaint will be handled instead by two Trustees who were not involved with the issue.
Taking it further
We are committed to the highest standards in service delivery and fundraising.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact the Charity Commission.
Charity Commission
PO Box 211
L20 7YX
If your complaint concerns fundraising and is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can refer it (within two months of our response) to the Fundraising Regulator.
Send your complaint to:
Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor
CAN Mezzanine Building
49 – 51 East Road
N1 6AH
Phone: 0300 999 3407
The Fundraising Regulator will uphold, reject or adjudicate relating to your complaint.
If your complaint is about our advertising, you can contact the Advertising Standards Authority:
Phone: 020 7492 2222
Thank you for taking the time to read our complaints procedure, and, should you need to use it, you can be assured of our full attention and honest response. If we have made a mistake we will apologise unreservedly, and if we need to make changes, we will. Thank you for helping us to improve and provide a better service.
Updated February 2020

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