Our vision and mission
Our vision
We will end macular disease.
Our mission
Beating the fear and isolation of macular disease with world-class research, and the best advice and support.
Our values
We are Ambitious.
We will Beat Macular Disease.
We are committed to be brave in our actions to make the progress that people need.
We will fundraise to find a cure, empower our team, be progressive yet supportive and dedicated in our belief...
...to Beat Macular Disease.
We are Supportive and Caring.
We provide a caring, approachable, and supportive environment for each member, supporter, volunteer, and all members of our team.
We act with empathy in all that we do. We listen to each other and we all work together...
...to Beat Macular Disease.
We have Integrity and we act Honestly.
We are trusted for our supportive, open and collaborative approach, our professional expertise and our dedication to be the best we can be to do more...
...to Beat Macular Disease.

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