Petition launched to stop people needlessly losing their sight

Posted: Monday 25 September 2017

The Macular Society has launched a petition today to stop people from needlessly losing their sight.

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Nutritional and smoking advice not getting through to patients

Posted: Wednesday 20 September 2017

According to a new report patients aren't receiving the right advice from their hospital eye specialists, or the advice isn’t being presented in a way that patients remember.Despite the evidence that stopping smoking, making changes to your diet and taki…

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Ad break to show viewers what it’s like to experience sight loss

Posted: Monday 18 September 2017

An advert break on Channel 4 this evening will help raise awareness of the five most common sight conditions in the UK.

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Blood tests could help diagnose AMD

Posted: Tuesday 12 September 2017

Signs of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may be found through blood tests, according to a new study led by researchers based in Massachusetts.The test, developed by scientists at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, could save people’s sight by picking …

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Do you have dry age-related macular degeneration? Would you like to participate in a research study?

Posted: Thursday 31 August 2017

Researchers in Southampton and other sites are inviting people with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), in the UK, to take part in a study investigating whether they have a specific gene change causing their condition.This research aims to identi…

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Treatment delays leave Macular Society volunteer with irreversible sight loss

Posted: Tuesday 29 August 2017

A Macular Society volunteer was forced to invade the headquarters of his local healthcare commissioners on two separate occasions to demand answers after he suffered irreversible sight loss as a result of delays to his treatment.

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Antioxidant/zinc supplement cost saving and effective for degenerative eye disease

Posted: Thursday 24 August 2017

A supplement that combines antioxidants with zinc and copper is a relatively inexpensive and effective means of halting the progression of a certain type of degenerative eye disease

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Gene editing halts vision loss in mice

Posted: Thursday 17 August 2017

Scientists from the Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston have prevented the formation of new blood vessels on the retina of mice using a gene-editing technique.

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Global blindness set to 'triple by 2050'

Posted: Thursday 3 August 2017

The number of blind people across the world is set to triple within the next four decades, researchers suggest.Writing in Lancet Global Health, they predict cases will rise from 36 million to 115 million by 2050, if treatment is not improved by better fu…

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Inquiry called to prevent avoidable sight loss

Posted: Tuesday 1 August 2017

An inquiry has been called by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Visual Impairment into capacity problems in NHS eye care services and avoidable sight loss in England.The APPG on Eye Health and Visual Impairment is very concerned …

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NHS consulting on plans to scrap £1.5m spend on lutein supplements

Posted: Monday 24 July 2017

The NHS is consulting on plans to scrap £1.5m annual spend on lutein supplements, which can be used to slow down the progress of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in some people.

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NICE AMD Clinical Guidelines

Posted: Thursday 13 July 2017

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has published a draft Clinical Guideline on the diagnosis and management of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) The Society will be submitting comments on the guidance, but this does not prevent me…

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