Polly smiling

“You’ve never lived until you’ve seen a floating crocodile”

Posted: Wednesday 16 November 2022

From a reptile gliding overhead to being offered beer by a woman dressed in lederhosen, Polly has seen her fair share of weird, wonderful and sometimes frightening things, from the comfort of her bedroom.

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Christina Ellis (Headshot)

“A befriender can help in so many ways”

Posted: Tuesday 1 November 2022

“I knew the impact that macular degeneration could have on people. I think the biggest sadness was that I was given that diagnosis, and then left without any real support, any information. So, from that day on, I decided I was going to make people aware of macular degeneration."

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Jessica Smiling

“Everyone wants to be special, but medically special is the one kind of special no one wants to be”

Posted: Monday 31 October 2022

At first it was just things like not being able to read the TV guide, or struggling with text messages on my phone. I couldn’t see the bus numbers until the bus was almost on top of me. I would look at people walking down the street and think they were strange looking, until the next person looked the same. I’m a working mum and thought I was probably just tired."

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Peter Jones with Meryl Streep

"We want people to carry on doing what they love"

Posted: Tuesday 18 October 2022

From Meryl Streep to Mo Farah, drawing celebrity portraits has long been a passion of Macular Society group member Peter, who says living with a macular condition doesn’t have to mean giving up something you love.

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Dave looking at camera

"How I overcame my fear of needles after my diagnosis"

Posted: Saturday 1 October 2022

With a lifelong fear of needles, 72-year-old Dave was understandably anxious and scared when he was diagnosed with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and told he needed regular injections in his eye.

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Sandra Orlando Park Run - smiling at camera

Charity runner completes 874-mile Land's End to John O'Groats challenge

Posted: Friday 16 September 2022

A runner has spoken of her “immense gratitude” after completing the 874-mile Land’s End to John O’Groats challenge, from home.

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Karen Sault headshot

Sight loss 'brushed to one side' at work before counselling

Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022

A new employment counselling group provided a nursery worker with the confidence to take control of her macular condition at work after initially describing her ‘put up and shut up’ attitude.

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Gareth portrait

"It could be life-changing for so many people"

Posted: Wednesday 3 August 2022

A 75-year-old man involved in a clinical trial for a new implant for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) says it would be ‘magic’ if the trial is successful.

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‘I was downhearted but Skills for Seeing lifted me’

Posted: Friday 1 July 2022

A volunteer trainer has shared his experience of the Skills for Seeing service, which offers one-to-one advice to help people make the best use of their remaining vision.

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Paul Mannion smiling

‘I won’t let my eye condition stop me’

Posted: Tuesday 28 June 2022

A 30-year-old postie, recently diagnosed with retinal vein occlusion (RVO) will be taking on the Great North Run for the second consecutive year, to focus on things he can still do after losing his sight in one eye.

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Marcia looking pensively into the distance

“I felt like I lost my identity overnight. But I’m still Marcia, she’s still in there.”

Posted: Monday 20 June 2022

I’ve always been extremely short-sighted, and worn glasses my entire life – my eyesight was normal with my glasses on.

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Smiling group of women

'We want to help in any way we can'

Posted: Tuesday 7 June 2022

A family of a mum living with macular disease are showing that distance is no object when it comes to supporting someone with sight loss.

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