How to make the most out of your optician appointments

Posted: Wednesday 26 March 2025
A woman with black hair tied back and a grey jumper has a laser shone in her eye during an eye exam

From what to ask your opticians, to a guide on what to take with you to an appointment, the latest episode of the My Macular and Me podcast looks at how you can make the most out of your optician appointments.

Former dispensing optician, now services administrator at the Macular Society, Claire Ash, offered her guidance after more than 10 years working in optometry.

How often should I have an eye test?

Claire states everybody should have an eye test carried out by an optometrist every two years “to check the health of their eyes,” as changes to your macula can be discovered, even if you are not aware of them.

For people with a sight condition Claire said this would often be a shorter period of time, often every year, depending on what other treatment you may be having.  

Why should I see an optician?

It’s not only about getting new glasses, but if you’ve been diagnosed with a macular condition it’s important to keep on top of your eye health and monitor your sight.

“They (opticians) can advise you if they can do anything with glasses,” said Claire. “Opticians look at everything to do with the health of your eye and pick up on other systemic conditions as well, so it’s really important to keep going.

“They can also find anything concerning and forward you on to the eye clinic if necessary.”

What should I take to my optician appointment?

Claire recommends taking a magnifier, if you use one, your current glasses and any recent hospital letters.

“Opticians can compare your existing prescription, and update them if you need this,” said Claire. “It's a good idea if you've got a magnifier as well, whether that magnifier is working or whether you're struggling with it, to take your magnifier with you.”

She added that by taking information from the hospital, you could help to give the optometrist a better understanding of your needs.

“It's good to take that with you as well, because it will probably give the optometrist an idea of what kind of treatment you're having, what the exact diagnosis is, what you were seeing when you were at the eye clinic,” she said.

She also suggested taking sample texts.

Claire continued: “If you're finding that you are struggling with a certain size text, taking that with you and showing the optician is a really good idea, because then they can focus on whether that's something they might be able to help you achieve.

“Perhaps if you do a craft you might be struggling with or you want to be able to see when they put those lenses in front of you, you know what difference it's making for you. All these kinds of things are really helpful.”

What questions shall I ask my optician?

There are no silly questions when it comes to our eye health, and it may be that you need more clarification about your macular disease condition. So ask as many questions as you feel you need to.

Claire said: “I think it's worth asking for clarification. So, I get a lot of people that we talk to and they're not really sure what condition they have, so it's always worth checking if you're unsure, saying to them, ‘could you just clarify me what this is?’”

“It's really useful as well to make sure they manage their own expectations at a test. So ask: ‘what kind of size text am I going to be able to see with these new glasses? Is it worth trying it with your magnifier? Is it worth updating my magnifier as well?’

“I also recommend taking your magnifier with you when you go to collect the glasses, if you have a magnifier, because then you can try that out in the practice as well.”

Will my optometrist diagnose macular disease?

While an optometrist will perform an eye exam, they will refer you to your hospital’s eye clinic for further tests and a diagnosis, if they spot anything of concern first.

Claire said: “When you go for the test, obviously they're not low vision specialists, so they're not going to be able to show you lots of different low vision things. They don't always diagnose.

“Often they will say, ‘I'm a little bit concerned about this, I think we need to get this checked’ and then they will refer you to the eye clinic.

“They can't give exact advice on things, like how it's going to progress and clinical advice on your treatment. That's all down to the eye clinic. They can give you advice on things like vitamins to take, they can give you information leaflets, they can signpost you to services, they can maybe write to the GP, to our ask for things like a sensory visit.

“So, there are reasonable things that they can do for you, but they can't give you specific advice on treatment. That's better coming from the people who are specialising in that.”

Can I see a low vision specialist?

While the optometrist will refer you to the eye clinic for diagnosis and further specialist care for macular disease, you may still be able to see a low vision specialist at your local opticians for advice.

Claire said: “There should be people in the store, particularly a dispensing optician, that know more about low vision. They'll know more about the types of eye conditions and how it affects your vision, and they should be able to give you more advice on things like magnification, lighting, and refer you on to somebody who may be able to help."

What if my optician recommends a blue light filter?

Research into whether the macula is damaged by blue light remains ongoing, but UV filters should be more of a priority, according to Claire.

She said: “UV filters can be put on clear lenses, and it will completely block UV, because that does affect the eyes.”

Regarding blue light, Claire added: “There's a lot of research being done” but “there is no proof that blue light does any harm to the eye.”

Claire’s top tips

Claire’s main takeaway is simple: “Keep up with your appointments.”

She said it was also important to keep your glasses and magnifiers clean – and not just for your trip to the opticians.

She said: “Make sure that you use the correct things to clean them as well. Not things like washing up liquid or sticking them under the tap, because that can cause scratches. Particularly if you've got any coatings on your lenses that can cause those to start to peel off and that is going to make them less clear. So, using the correct kind of wipes or sprays for them.”

For more advice on how to make the most out of your optician appointment, catch up with the My Macular and Me podcast.

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