New implant for patients with late-stage AMD
Posted: Tuesday 03 October 2023
Eye surgeons in Newcastle have become the first in the UK to give patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD) a pioneering new eye implant.
Consultant vitreoretinal surgeon at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Sandro Di Simplicio, successfully implanted a miniature telescope which magnifies images so they can be seen by parts of the retina around the macula.
The Samsara Vision’s SING IMT™ is a tiny telescope – just 10.8 mm in diameter – and is designed to reduce the effects of AMD.
As part of the procedure, which takes around 15-20 minutes, a small incision is made into the eye, similar to cataract surgery, and the telescope is then implanted.
Patients recovering from surgery then undergo a rehabilitation programme, working closely with low-vision specialists and occupational therapists.
Mr Di Simplicio, said: “It is fantastic that we are the first hospital in the UK to be able to deliver this treatment to patients with end-stage macular degeneration.
“This procedure is transformative and we know from other studies carried out across the world that those treated can, for example, see the faces of family and friends again, read, watch TV, paint, knit or work in the garden.”
What is the implant and how does it work?
The Samsara Vision's SING IMT™ miniature implantable telescope is a medical device designed to help patients with late-stage AMD regain their vision. It works by magnifying images in the centre of the vision, allowing patients to see objects more clearly. The telescope is implanted in the eye through a small incision, similar to cataract surgery. It enlarges images so they can be seen by the intact parts of the retina around the macula.
The SING IMT is not a cure for late-stage age AMD. It will not restore your vision to the level it was before you had AMD, and it will not completely correct your vision loss.
Who is eligible for the procedure?
The eligibility criteria for this procedure are very strict. it is only available to patients with late-stage AMD.
Anyone who has had cataract surgery will not be able to receive the implant in that eye.
It is recommended that those who are suitable for the treatment have a discussion with a clinician to determine if this procedure is a viable option for them.
Would you like to know if you are eligible for this procedure?
You can fill out the online form.
Further details can be found on the Samsara Vision website.
Age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) usually affects people over 50 but can happen earlier. AMD is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, affecting more than 700,000 people. Around one in every 200 people has AMD at 60 and by the age of 90 it affects one in five people.
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