Help improve home testing experiences for visually impaired people

Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2021

The Macular Society is supporting NHS Test and Trace to conduct research into the experience and accessibility of getting a home test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

The aim of the research is to understand how the home testing experience could potentially be improved to better serve the needs of people who are blind, partially sighted, or have some form of sight loss.

NHS Test and Trace are inviting you to express your interest in taking part in this research. We are looking for people who would:

  • Be willing to conduct a home test for COVID-19 and share feedback on their experience
  • Be available to take part in this research between Monday 25 January and Friday 12 February

NHS Test and Trace will be capturing your feedback through video calls, phone calls or a survey depending on your access needs and preferences. If at any point in the research you do not wish to continue, you will be able to withdraw from the study.

If this applies to you or somebody you know, and you would like to find out more information or register your interest in taking part in this research, please complete this online form

Alternatively, if you are unable to access or complete the form for any reason, please contact the Macular Society's Working Age and Young People's service Colin Daniels on 07494 467 995 and we can register your interest over the phone.