Surveys for patients with age-related macular degeneration

Posted: Wednesday 04 March 2020

If you have wet or dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), researchers would like to hear from you.

Two new surveys have been launched to understand more the about the impact of living with the condition. 


The first survey is being conducted by Pixium Vision - a company based in France developing a "bionic" electronic medical device to restore partial central vision in patients affected by advanced, dry AMD. 

The company is looking to understand how advanced, dry AMD directly affects the lives of patients, their families, and public such as carers, in the United Kingdom. Opinions from key public healthcare physicians and low-vision specialists will also be obtained.

Pixum Vision hopes to obtain opinions on the most important daily expectations and needs of people affected by advanced AMD. The anonymised data resulting from this questionnaire will be collected by Pixium Vision to assist with UK regulatory applications for a new retinal implant device as part of a human research trial in the UK.

If you have dry AMD you can complete the survey