Take part in a research study
Posted: Friday 13 October 2017Researchers at Aston University are inviting those that are sight impaired and severely impaired in the UK, to take part in a study investigating the impact of vision loss on diet and appetite.
Participants will complete a telephone questionnaire, which will take approximately an hour to complete. They will then be contacted on two other days in the same week for approximately 5 minutes. The findings of the study will help develop a dietary aid aiming to improve the nutritional status of visually impaired people. This dietary aid may take the form of an educational tool. A good nutritional status has been shown to significantly improve a person’s overall quality of life.
If you think you may be interested and would like more information, please contact Nabila Jones on 07490716278 or by email to n.jones5@aston.ac.uk saying you are calling about the visual loss study. Please note if you have coeliac disease you will not be eligible for this study.