Charles Bonnet Q&A
Posted: Monday 23 October 2017As part of our Charles Bonnet campaign, Dr John-Paul Taylor, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant from the Newcastle University took part in a live Twitter question and answer session.
If you were unable to join the session, please find the full Q&A session below.
1. What causes visual hallucinations to occur?
Loss of vision mean brain cells firing more, which means more hallucinations. So if ++ firing in the “faces” part of the brain you see faces.
2. What are the most common hallucinations?
Two main types - simple hallucinations e.g. lines, geometric shapes etc. & complex hallucinations animals children people landscapes.
3. Do more people see nice hallucinations than they do scary hallucinations?
Probably about a third of people with CBS experience distressing hallucinations.
Sometimes it isn't the fact that they are scary. Rather they are disruptive to daily life - how to avoid that wall that appeared!
4. My hallucinations have been in finite detail. Is it random or related to the concept of genetic memory I often wonder?
In the main hallucinations vary considerably between people with #CBS in terms of what they see